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Minimum Age requirement is 16 weeks old. At this age, all puppy booster vaccines should have been completed by your Vet as well as their Rabies vaccine given and ensures your puppy's immunity is properly built up.

The health and safety of your dog is our #1 priority.


Daycare & Group Play

Santa Paws requires all dog guests over 9 months old to be spayed or neutered to be able to be in group play.


  • intact males and females intermingling pose a risk of unwanted pregnancy.

  • intact dogs (both male and female) can disrupt a peaceful play environment, due to aggressive play, humping, dominant behavior or being targeted by other dogs who smell their hormones, feel threatened and lash out.

  • intact females can cause fighting among competitive suitors.


What if I have a puppy who is waiting to be spayed or neutered for health reasons?


Santa Paws understands this philosophy and allows intact puppies under 9 months old to come and participate in group play under the following conditions:


  • they are not excessively humping.

  • they are not displaying dominant behaviors (mounting, neck biting, etc.)

  • they are not inspiring dominant behaviors from other dogs due to their intact status.

  • they are not creating an unsafe play environment.

  • their presence is not influencing the overall peacefulness of the group.


Santa Paws does not allow intact males and females over the age of 6 months old to play together. In the event we have intact dogs of opposite sex, 6 months up to 9 months old, they will be rotated in and out of group play to ensure that no possible mating is possible.


As always, all dogs are temperament tested before being allowed into group play. All groups are separated by size and play style.






Santa Paws is able to accomodate intact males and females for boarding on a case by case basis as long as:

  • Females are not currently in heat at the time of their boarding.

  • Males that are intact are not excessively marking indoors.


Any questions, give us a call and we would be happy to help answer those for you!

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